There are about 4000 universities in USA as per different statistics which offers various degrees to the students right from medicine,astrology,engineering,mathematics,etc..In fact we can say that there is no such degree a typical US university cannot offer.The craze for a US degree is growing up day by day in spite of global melt down and recession.A student from China aspires to do MBA in USA although he knows the fact that WALL STREET is no more the place to decide the future of US economy.A student from India strives a lot to get a US masters degree in Comp. Science despite the fall of major IT giants.All I am trying to say is no matter how hostile the situation is the craze for the US education and its life style is rising day by day.I am here to assist you in your further education in USA.This being my first post I promise to bring you more updates on the universities in USA in the near future.I request all the readers of my blog to post your profiles and ur mail ID so that I can help you with the selection of universities.It would also be helpful for other readers to get to know about the admission criteria.I promise to bring you the new and updated rankings of the universities in US as soon as possible.